To care for those who once cared for us
is one of the highest honors.

Home > Respite Care > Matinee Break

Matinee break


No more lonely afternoons!

Want to step out on work, shopping or for catching up with your friends, and not sure whether you can leave your elderly parent all alone at home, not to worry, through our Matinees break package, you can hire help for 3-4 hours and attend to your work.

Matinee Package includes:

  • Warming a meal and feeding
  • Assist with activities of daily living
  • Companionship
Talk to our Care Manager or fill the Quick Query Form to help get started.

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Help Yourself Resources

Elder Parents

How To Care For Your Elder Parents

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15 Ways to Stay Sane Caring For an Elderly Parent

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How to find a suitable Assisted Living Home

Finding a suitable assisted living facility/home for your loved ones...

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Elderly Loved Ones

Six Tips For Caring For Your Aging, Elderly Loved Ones

One of the most important parts of our lives is caring for elderly parents...

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